Thursday, September 24, 2009

Digital Literacy Continued

I believe digital literacy is very important for the older generation as well as the younger generation. I was fortunate enough to grow up during the "boom" of the internet and was fortunate enought to learn as we go. As far as my parents though; their digital literacy is at a bare minimum. My mom can hardly turn on the computer let alone figure out how to order a book online and set up an amazon account. Even my dad; who is 55 years old and worked with computers all his life in accounting has minimal knowledge when it comes to being digitally literate. It took him a full day just to figure out how to use ebay and set up a paypal account but he finally leanred through trial and error. I believe the older generation would score very poorly compared with out college class thus making our generation a very valuable asset for companies and the future.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Digital Literacy

I thought the digital literacy test was very fun and exciting. I had no idea what to expect but after taking it I thought it was a lot harder than expected. It definitely challanged me but at the same time was very fun and entertaining. I am excited to learn new ways in this class to become more computer literate.